
Troubleshoot your small petrol engine

Your engine should start in 2-3 pulls.  If you are unable to start your small 4 stroke petrol engine below are some pointers:

Check the on/off switch is in the "on" position

Check the fuel and choke are in the "on" positions

Check there is plenty of fuel in the tank and oil in the sump (Most clones petrol engines have a low-oil cut off switch)

If the above are fine then check...

The spark plug is not fouled

The air filter is clean

The spark plug cap is on

If the engine has not been run in a couple of months the fuel can go stale or the fuel may be dirty and you could have a blockage somewhere.  This may need changing and the carb may need a clean or replacement.  



Parts Garage

Small engine parts and accessories for generators, pumps and light construction equipment.